House sparrow
House finch
Carolina wren
White-throated sparrow
Dark-eyed junco
Red-bellied woodpecker
White-breasted nuthatch
Blue Jay
Downy woodpecker
Mourning dove
Gray fucking squirrel
Also spotted
Cedar waxwing
Yellow-bellied sapsucker (first time ever!)
American chicken:
This is very good!
Now come here and help me ID this owl. And leave my chickens alone.
Your chickens are safe...for now.
Have you seen the owl? Or only heard it?
Both, but I've seen it only under the cloak of nightfall. It's big and dark brown. Black highlights? I reckon it's a regular old barn owl. Lives in the cemetery next to my house, which makes it that much cooler.
One of my goals in life is to shoot (camera!) a snowy owl.
In the past few days from my living room window I've seen: bald eagles, pheasants, a few hawks, woodpeckers, and a million swallows, ducks and geese. Birds are so dang cool.
I have a 30 pound bounty hunter at my house who will gladly take care of your grey fucking squirrel problem for the right price.
Shaft, name your price, keeping in mind that the Sheffield Lake Girl off limits.
Haley, I saw a snowy owl once off the shore of Lake Erie. Even as a little kid I knew it was an incredible bird. Owls are so tough. Stupid nocturnalism.
Could be a great horned...they're really big owls. Next time you see it, check to see if it has horns.
I don't know why you're so jealous of our hummingbirds. Seems like you've got an aviary worth of hollow-boned specimens.
One crummy hummingbird is all we get. I want more, more, MORE!
This is a plethora of birds. Cool. I never would have been able to identify a sapsucker.
I did hear and see Sandhill Cranes flying overhead today. Does that count? Nothing like their spring migration in Nebraska, but still good to hear their calls.
The sapsucker was great. I didn't recognize it at first, but it didn't quite look like the other woodpeckers we get.
Does that count? Heck yes! I had never seen nor heard of a sandhill crane before, but they look really cool to see them in my trusty Golden Guide. I'll have to keep my eyes open for them.
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