Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays from Hell!

Straight out of hell, this giant Santa Claus is terrifying.

Fifty feet tall and itching to destroy a city, we knew we were taking a chance by getting this close.  The Jolly Old Elf, held captive within a body of molded plastic, is just waiting for a bolt of lightning to set him in motion and on a murdering Christmas rampage.  What reason could Santa possibly have to rampage?  Well, with war raging, progress stalling at Copenhagen and Joe Lieberman running amok, we've been very naughty, and all the milk and cookies in the world won't set things right.  Santa Claus is pissed, he's as big as a house, and there's gonna be a reckoning. 

Whatever you celebrate, McBone urges you to stock up on canned goods and avoid major metropolitan areas this holiday season.



SeMm said...

Screw the war on Christmas. Christmas is going to war on war.

Kid Shay said...

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and he's STANDING RIGHT BEHIND YOU.