Though this cut in funding should please the people with an eagle eye for the single mother with a smartphone who is buying a carton of cigarettes, the fact is wages are low, the weather is turning, and people are facing the very real choice of paying their utilities or buying groceries.
Some would argue that a government lifeline translates into a loss of freedom and an disincentive to work hard. Freedom is great, but practically speaking it has very little nutritional value. Since we can't have people going hungry:
Donate to the Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank here.
Donate to the Cleveland Food Bank here.
Donate to the Greater Lansing Food Bank here.
Oh, and just for fun, here's the net worth of several members of the Walton family, America's biggest latter-day plantation owners:
Christy Walton & Family - $35.4B
Jim Walton - $33.8B
Alice Walton - $33.5B
S Robson Walton - $33.3B
Four Americans from one family worth nearly $140B, and there are still more Waltons among the richest 400, according to Forbes. I wonder how many of their employees stand to have their food assistance reduced today.